Wednesday, 18 November 2015

It's Been a While!!

I was just sitting back, thinking about writing and realised something... I haven't published a blog post since April this year.  That seems like forever ago!

I'll admit it, I've been quite distracted these past few months.  Baby writer is on the way and due early next year and worrying bubs is going to be healthy, I'm doing the right thing etc etc seems to be taking up all my spare time.  Well, that and working full time and buying ridiculously cute (but possibly cruel?) outfits for my poor child...

I've continued to write recipes on Recipe Yum and have published the occasional article for Weekend Notes but I have definitely been distracted.

I know what you're thinking - 'you think you don't have time now, wait until you have baby!'  I agree.  This is why I'm trying to use my time wisely and put my overactive imagination to good use.

Since writing my last post, I have put Out Of Her League back on Kindle, have written the next book in the series, decided I didn't like it and went back to planning out an alternative second book.  After losing the entire second book when my computer was stolen back in March, I'm finding it hard to rewrite it and have decided perhaps it's time for a break.  Hence, why there is still only one Caterina Boston book online.

So what have I been doing in the meantime?  I've been trying something different.

I'll admit it, I've always been quite traditional in my style of writing.  I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing, but I've had people tell me I 'write a lot older than I am'.  Again, undecided if that's good or bad.  Perhaps that's because I've grown up with a weird mixed up love of Enid Blyton and Clive Cussler books, but whatever the reason I decided to try something else.

So far, the reception has been quite good.  I wrote one urban fantasy novel which is currently on Wattpad sitting at around 2,000 reads and good reviews, and the second one is in the process of being written and uploaded to Wattpad.

Before I go any further, I should probably say this.  There are mixed opinions regarding Wattpad in writing circles.  Some people think it's worthwhile whilst others think it's just a forum for fan fiction.  Both of these opinions are true - to an extent.

Wattpad is great for publishing your work without feeling like you're being too harshly judged (okay, you do get the occasional troll or know it all but overall if people don't like your story, they just won't continue reading), like you're trying to meet expectations and so on.  You can also choose to be anonymous if you prefer.  Okay, I lie, you still need a user name, but it doesn't have to be your real name.  What's that they say?  On the internet you can be anyone?

The new genre and writing style I decided to try isn't something I'm normally interested in which made me think it might be a new challenge.  I was surprised at how easy it was and how well it flowed.  Or perhaps it's just me?

I will do my best to get back on here before the end of the year, but Christmas is fast approaching and I have a lot of online shopping to do (who wants to go to the actual store if you don't have to??).  So until next time, continue writing, forget about the errors, and worry about the final product once the story has been written.

I think I've shared this quote before, but it's one of my favourites.

I was going to share an excerpt from my latest story, but I apparently have more scented candles than I do confidence.  Maybe next time... I'll work on that.