Thursday, 8 January 2015

Hashima Island

I started this blog earlier today with the plans of writing about what a great year it has been and wishing you all the best for 2015.  So let me start by saying, happy new year!  I hope that you all have a great year.

I then went on to say it was a year ago this Sunday I fell over (very gracefully of course - and before you ask, no alcohol was involved - the doctors didn't believe me either, but it's true) which means it was a year ago I sat down and wrote around 50,000 words in five days. 

I was unable to go to work in this time and although watching episode after episode of my favourite TV show was appealing, I decided to write.  The weather was particularly hot, the air conditioner was particularly cold, I was stuck in the one place; it was the perfect opportunity.

Okay, well I now realise that despite telling you I was going to tell you all of this, I now have told you this anyway.

The reason for my digression and possibly unusual title if you don't speak Japanese is because I discovered something very cool online whilst procrastinating.  I have to ask the question - have you heard of Hashima Island (also known as Gunkanjima and Battleship Island)?

If you have and you're like me, your mind has already started racing thinking about the possibilities as the stories practically flow from the dilapidated buildings, if you haven't heard about it, I suggest you Google it or click on the link a couple of paragraphs on from here.

I'm sure I've seen photos of Hashima Island in various emails and probably on Pinterest, but I've never really taken the time to look at it properly until tonight.  It has captured my imagination no end. 

I won't try and give you a history lecture as I definitely haven't read enough about it yet, so instead I'll just put up some photos and the link to this awesome website I just found where you can 'walk' around the island (thanks Google Street View!). 

[Click here to 'walk' around Hashima Island]

I was honestly considering throwing Caterina Boston (my main character for those who don't know) into a Japanese setting to see what happens, I'm pretty sure this is now necessary - and gives me an excuse to research into this fascinating place - not just the island, the whole country. 

On a side note, I can speak enough Japanese to get myself into trouble but not nearly enough to get myself back out, so I have downloaded an app and have been practicing.  Not related to anything, just felt the need to share.

This entry isn't really writing related, but I couldn't go past a good abandoned island story and for me it's a writing prompt in itself. 

Having said that, I think it's places or events like this that inspire.  My fascination with South American history was the inspiration for Out Of Her League (it has nothing to do with the fact I also am not a fan of dirt, bugs or being blown up).  One of my favourite books (alongside The Neverending Story) is Mark Honigsbaum's 'Valverde's Gold'.  I've read it so much and carried it around on the train so many times the writing on the cover has worn off - I kind of like it that way.

Before signing off I should probably say something about my books.  Notice the plural there?  I have started and stopped the second book so many times I'm surprised I haven't made myself car sick (for those of you who know me, this wouldn't be difficult).  I have spent time on the weekends and after work for the past couple of weeks editing Out Of Her League to within an inch of its life (do books have lives?  Sure they do) and I can say that all 76,294 words are now done with.

So... with no further excuses, I'd better crack on with the next 50,000 words or so.

For those of you attempting to keep writing, I apologise for the distraction and say I will not distract you again.

Hey!  Look at these pretty pictures (you're welcome).

Happy 2015 everyone!


All photos found on

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