Sunday, 24 August 2014

Tonight I planned to spend the night writing.  So far I have exercised, watched an episode of my favourite TV show and am now watching The Chronicles of Narnia:  Prince Caspian; my writing plans aren't going quite as well as I'd hoped.

So time has gone a little fast and I just realised this is a movie I wanted to see at the cinema when it first came out.  It was released in 2008... I think I might be a bit late.  Getting off track now...

Today I decided I would drop the price of Out Of Her League on Amazon as a bit of an experiment.  Sorry and thanks to those who purchased it at the previous price. 

After dropping the price I decided to do some research (yep, normal people would have done this first, but I think anyone who knows me knows I'm not normal - that's no fun).  It seems I'm not the only one who thinks this way and it's a proven method of 'getting a book out there'.  So who knew? (Apparently half of the online writing community!) 

As I've described in previous posts, I'm honestly not writing to make money; I'm not publishing on Kindle in the hopes of being the next big thing, I'm just doing it because I like it and I'll be honest, it's pretty cool to think someone is reading what I've written.  Having said that, if I could afford to spend my days writing, I would be pretty happy with that.  So why have I changed the price?  Because I'm curious.

The other day I received an email from Amazon advising I will be receiving my first payment for my book in the next few days; I don't think it will quite pay off the mortgage just yet, but it's an email I plan to keep. 

I've been thinking lately about the next book.  I'm about 25,000 words into it and it's all planned out and ready to go - although let's face it, I never stick to the plans anyway.  The book currently named Out Of Her Depth (don't know if that will stick) is going well and I plan to continue with it but progress is a little slower than Out Of Her League.  Although I started Out Of Her League several years ago, I wrote almost the entire 77,000 odd words while I was home from work for a week with a sprained ankle in January. 

Okay, Narnia has now finished and I'm watching the latest Die Hard movie - Die Hard 250 is it?  As much as I love fantasy I find I am more likely to write scenes that are likely to be seen in Die Hard  than in Narnia.

Which leads me to my next point; watching Narnia reminds me of one of my favourite movies and books by the infamous Neil Gaiman, Stardust.  Described as the fairy-tale that won't behave and a movie I could watch over and over without getting bored.

So, this in turn leads me to think about the fantasy I've written and how far removed that style of writing is from Out Of Her League.  I wonder if it's best to stick with one genre when self publishing or whether it's okay to try different things and see what works.  I imagine the audience for fantasy might be quite different and I'm (again - feeling a bit like Alice In Wonderland here) curious...

I have written two fantasy books which are both in desperate need of editing.

In the meantime, I clearly am not getting much writing done tonight and based upon what I have been watching I could write a story about a giant talking lion who takes out a helicopter with a car and speaks with a Spanish accent... could make for good, although perhaps confusing reading.  Maybe I'll just continue with Out Of Her Depth for now.

My previous posts have had (at least some) direction or topic whereas I feel this is just me raving, so to at least give you some information for the night, here is a link to a page I was just reading (whilst watching Prince Caspian talk to a mouse - or was it Bruce Willis muttering to himself and blowing things up?  I'm not sure, I've lost track) about creating supporting characters. I found it quite interesting and a good refresher.  Enjoy.

Until next time, have a great night, an awesome weekend, and a less eclectic movie night than I have had - seriously considering putting Stardust into the DVD player.

Oh and speaking of the fact I write more 'guy' type scenes in my books, for those who have read Out Of Her League, this is a Bentley Continental Supersport - the one Gryffon gets so excited about - I asked my husband's opinion on a super fast, fancy car and this is what he came up with. 

And here's a picture of what I image Cat's Beetle 'Marvin' looks like. I had an awesome 1969 Beetle and loved it!

Personally I think Marvin is a little more awesome than the Bentley, but I could be biased (and clearly I've never had the need to run from any bad guys in my Beetle - might reconsider the Bentley if that's ever an issue)...
