First off, let me start by saying, I have only recently discovered this quote by Dr Seuss and I really love it. It's simple, truthful, and - let's face it - catchy.
So it's been over a month since Out Of Her League was published on Kindle and I have to say I have learnt quite a lot in that time.
I have had around over 400 downloads, so far no returns (yes, you can do that on Kindle!) and to my amazement, when I Googled myself (as you do - I really did have a valid reason - honest), I was surprised to find it listed on GoodReads.
Am I a millionaire ready to quit my day job yet? Nope! I can honestly tell you Amazon currently owes me about $12 and I am one hundred percent fine with this. Crazy concept I know, but I'm actually not out to make money writing. Well, okay, I do get paid for writing for various websites and freelance work when I do it, but that's just a way of getting out there and trying new things. And if someone wants to pay me to stay home and write, who am I to argue?
I published on Amazon because I love the idea of anyone wanting to read my stuff (I was going to use the word 'work' but I write for my own enjoyment and it doesn't feel like a task I'm obligated to complete), I welcome any feedback, and yes, I do get a buzz every time I see someone has purchased it or downloaded it during the free period.
In my (very short) time on Amazon I've discovered a couple of things - Kindle is user friendly, simple and effective, it keeps track of sales, rank etc and it gives writers the opportunity to (as airy fairy as it might sound) express themselves. In case you haven't caught on, I've also discovered that I don't know whether to call it 'Amazon' or 'Kindle'. I'll let you know when I figure this part out; for now I'll just keep you on your toes and alternate between the two.
Kindle offers a program called 'KDP Select' which basically means writers agree to publish exclusively on Amazon for 90 days. During that 90 days they can offer their book free for 5 days - choosing either 5 consecutive days, 5 separate days or a combination of both. This gives readers the chance to download the ebook free.
KDP Select is a great way of getting your name out there - and, if you're like me and didn't know there were other websites to publish ebooks on, you might as well take advantage of the 'free days'.
I have also learnt that there are some great writers out there publishing exclusively on Kindle. I would love to name a whole bunch but the truth is I've downloaded a couple of books but haven't finished reading them yet. I have no doubt based on what I've read that they will be worth writing about.
I have realised something lately - I really miss bookstores. There are very few left in Adelaide which I find sad - the ones that are still around are great, but there just aren't as many. As strange as it might sound, I used to love walking through the bookstores in the city on a cold winter's day and just trying to fathom the sheer volume of information, adventure and time put into creating all the amazing books. Okay, I'm sounding a little strange and maybe I've watched Beauty and the Beast one too many times (how awesome is her library!), but there is something to be said about the smell and feel of a real book.
The irony is not lost on me; here I am raving about the smell of a bookstore from a bygone era (back in my day we walked twelve miles in the snow just to get to the beach!) while telling you about the great books available on Kindle. But, times have changed, people do live in an instant world where they want everything yesterday and that is sad in a way; I hope we never lose that love for books, the feeling of opening the pages and wondering what adventure awaits. Having said that, Kindle gives emerging writers the opportunity to sample what once was an exclusive world and gives readers the opportunity to sample new writers and carry around far more books than they could before.
As well as discovering new writers on Kindle, I have been writing the second book in the Caterina Boston series titled 'Out Of Her Depth'. I decided against the previously suggested 'Out Of Her Nose' and as clumsy as Cat is, decided against the funny but slightly dead end story wise title 'Out Of Her Door'.
I have written 23,000 words since starting the story when we were in the Whitsundays (so almost two months ago) and am about a third of the way through. So far it's all going to plan and I'm really enjoying writing it; and that's really why I'm writing it in the first place.
I read something recently that said a writer should know who they are writing for - some writers say their fans, their husbands and wives (not usually both their husband and their wife - that's frowned upon in this society); I find I write for myself. I haven't decided if that's good or bad yet, but it seems to be working at the moment - plus I don't have to worry about making sure I'm meeting expectations.
I realise my previous posts have been far more silly perhaps than this post? I could insert a line about The Hobbit, Supernatural, Doctor Who or basically anything you would find at a convention worthy enough to scare 'normal people' (who wants to be normal, so dull!), but I think I will leave it at this for the night.
I will update you on my favourite ebooks from emerging writers once I've had more of a chance to do some reading. In the meantime, I leave you with a quote from Out Of Her Depth:
"I asked reception to make sure you weren’t disturbed.”
Oh I was disturbed alright, just not by housekeeping.