Why not? Throw caution to the wind, live life to the fullest, publish a book online and then duck for cover. That's how it works... right?
So I recently discovered Wattpad. An awesome website which allows readers to read the works of up and coming writers free. Readers can choose from the usual categories (fantasy, adventure, paranormal etc etc), they can comment, share and vote on their favourite books. They can also follow their favourite writers and be notified when a new 'part' or chapter is added.
Writers are given the unique opportunity to publish their work and receive feedback. Sure, writers aren't paid, but I think constructive feedback can be far more valuable.
Okay, I'll admit, if you're looking at publishing anything anywhere on the internet, you need to be able to take criticism well and for lack of a better phrase, have a thick skin. Fortunately, through writing for various websites as well as freelance work, I have developed this aforementioned skin and like to think I can handle criticism with the best of them. Yes, there are trolls on the internet who will write nasty things in an attempt to get a reaction, but that's the internet for you. You just need to realise they don't know you and you don't know them (unless you do know them, then perhaps you need to talk to your friend about their comments!) and it's their time being wasted, not yours.
So after perusing Wattpad for a week, I decided today was the day. I created a cover for the fourth novel I've written, 'Out Of Her League', checked it one more time (I think I've edited it to death by now), uploaded the first three chapters and waited. Okay, I'm still waiting, and I'm not entirely sure what for, but hey, at least I have a hobby.
I have pondered the plusses and minuses of publishing on a public forum like Wattpad, but in the end the positives won. Sure, there are downsides to everything, but there's nothing quite like that feeling of pressing 'publish' (in the case of Wattpad), or 'notify editor' (on Weekend Notes) and knowing others are going to read something you've written.
Okay, so I'm rambling to avoid putting up the link to my first 'seen by the general public' novel. Am I worried about what people think? Sure. But sometimes you just have to step out and hope for the best.
The first three chapters have been published and although the novel is in fact completed, I will see how these go before posting more... just to keep you guessing - or something.
So... without further fanfare, here's the link (click on the title) Out Of Her League - a story of down on her luck, washed up writer, Caterina Boston.
Thanks for reading and goodnight (hits posts and hides under the blankets).