Hmmm... how to start a blog...
Dear Diary,
Wait... no... too teenage girl - and I didn't even do that as a teenager...
To whom it may concern,
Nope... too formal.
Okay, well I appear to be having some creative difficulties as I'm not all that familiar with writing a blog. While I consider my options and wonder how I'm going to start this blog, I'll tell you a bit about myself.
In case you can't tell from the title, my name is Samantha. I live in South Australia with my husband and my ginger fluff ball cat Cookie.
I write for, and various other websites on occasion. I also work as a freelance writer which can be quite interesting and test me in ways I haven't experienced before.
I have always had a love for writing and reading and started writing my first novel when I was around 16. Yes, I know, nerd right?
Sometimes I would like to say I'm a party girl, but that is so far from the truth it's almost laughable (go ahead, laugh, you know you want to).
As much as I love catching up with friends and socialising, I'm going to be honest here and say I've recently come to the realisation that I'm actually a hobbit (to any friends that might read this, love you! Want to catch up on the weekend?).
I'm not a big eater so seven meals a day might be a bit of a challenge, but the staying home reading and sitting in the garden suits me just fine.
Not so sure about the hairy feet though...
I'm pretty sure if I was in Bilbo's position the story would have been far shorter. Gandalf arrives, gives me the contract, I say no, wake up the next morning, make my breakfast and go and sit in the sun. Some months later I receive a nice post card from Middle Earth, singed on the edges, with a note that reads 'Really wish you had come. Farewell'.
I joke. My friends know I'm a hobbit. And yet they hang around anyway... something to ponder later. (And to those die hard Hobbit fans, I apologise in advance if I got those references wrong. I have seen the movie, liked it, but don't have a Gandalf fake beard hiding in my cupboard - that's where my Doctor Who scarf is!). And to those Die Hard fans... um... how weird does Bruce Willis look without hair?!
As I mentioned earlier, I'm not knowledgeable in the ways of blog writing and therefore am not sure if it is socially acceptable to write a blog about my writing life (or sometimes lack thereof), but this is my plan.
I have created this blog to document my thoughts on writing, to add some information that might help others, and, let's face it, as a way of distracting myself from actually doing that editing I so desperately need to do.
There are a lot of things that can distract you on the internet, but if you have run out of funny memes, finished stalking your favourite celebrity on Twitter, and have watched all the funny animal videos you can stand for now, I will hopefully have something useful on here to distract you (although I do recommend looking up Maru on YouTube, that cat is hilarious!)
To start you off, and to shamelessly self-promote, here are the links to my writer page for Weekend Notes and Recipe Yum.
Now to stop procrastinating and get some writing done... right after I check to see if Maru has found another box.
Until next time...
[Hey, look at that, seems I found a way to start the blog after all!]